Michael Cutler, a former INS
special agent, warns that our borders are wide
open for another September 11-style
attack. |
Article |
 | February 22, 2004
By Gina Salamone
When Michael Cutler, former senior
special agent for the Immigration and Naturalization
Service (INS), passed the site of the World Trade Center
last week, he started to cry.
Culter believes the attacks didn’t
have to happen and blames both of the nation’s major
political parties for not doing enough to safeguard the
country against criminal aliens, he told members of the
National Council of Jewish Women at the East Midwood
Jewish Center last Tuesday.
“I was crying because I thought we
could prevent this from happening after 1993 [previous
WTC attack] and President Clinton did absolutely nothing
but sit on his hands,” Cutler said.
Since his retirement, Cutler has
testified as an expert witness at four congressional
hearings on the enforcement of immigration laws. He has
also testified before the presidential commission on the
attacks of September 11.
“Here we are after 9-11— 3,000
horribly incinerated — and we’re still opening the front
door and saying ‘come on down,’” Cutler said. “We stand
on long lines while we wait to enter the Brooklyn
Battery Tunnel as natives of Brooklyn while the police
and other law enforcement authorities conduct searches
allegedly to make us more secure.”
“If you’ve ever stood on those lines,
you’ll notice that cars aren’t being inspected,” Cutler
continued. “Has anyone heard of a car bomb? It wouldn’t
take a genius to figure out how to secrete a bomb in the
saddle tanks of those 18-wheelers. Is anybody looking in
the tanks? I doubt it.”
The former INS agent said we are
going through an illusory farce.
“So we wait on these long lines and
we suck in truck fumes and we’re delayed in our travel,
but God forbid we should slow the travel of aliens into
our country who don’t even have an inherent right to be
here,” Cuter said. “And we call this national
Currently about 8 million people
reside in New York City and it’s estimated that there
are at least 8 million illegal aliens living in the
United States today.
Cutler pointed out that recent mayors
of New York like to say it’s the safest big city in the
United States.
According to Cutler, the reason for
that statistic is that there are 38,000 police officers,
but only 2,000 immigration special agents to police the
more than 8 million illegal aliens scattered across the
“What would happen to our crime rates
in New York if tomorrow morning 36,000 police officers
handed in their guns and badges,” Cutler asked. “How
safe would we be? You wonder why we have a problem with
illegal aliens.”
Cutler said there has been talk of
putting more patrol agents on our borders. While he
acknowledges they are needed, he compared border patrol
to a game of hide and seek.
“The goal of the border patrol is to
keep people from running the border,” Cutler said. “So
imagine if Kings Highway was the border and we say ‘You
can’t go north of Kings Highway.’ And you put a bunch of
people there to block anyone trying to run north of
Kings Highway. And if you catch them, you shove them two
blocks south. What’s going to happen? You’re going to
catch them and they’re going to go back. They will get
past you. It’s inevitable.”
Cutler retired from the INS in 2002
after a 30-year career within the agency. He began in
1971 as an immigration inspector assigned to JFK
International Airport. From 1973-1974, he worked as an
examiner attempting to uncover fraud marriages and
marriage rings.
In 1975, he became a criminal
investigator special agent for the INS in New York City
— rotating through almost every squad within the branch.
His investigations involved everything from alien
smuggling and large-scale fraud to apprehension of
international terrorists from several nations.
In the 1980s, Cutler worked with
former Senator Alfonse D’Amato to enhance the penalties
for aliens deported after committing serious felonies
and then caught re-entering the United States.
As a result, the penalty for such
unlawful re-entry was increased from a two-year maximum
to 20 years in prison.
With the backing of the senator,
Cutler also contributed to a program requiring
deportation hearings to be conducted in correctional
facilities for aliens jailed for committing serious
When Cutler was promoted to senior
special agent in 1991 and assigned to the organized
crime drug enforcement task force, he worked with
members of other law enforcement agencies including the
FBI, US Customs and IRS.
Cutler said we have an administration
that talks about waging war on terror, but fails to
follow up with common sense measures.
The current visa-waiving program
allows aliens from 28 different countries to enter the
United States without visiting a US embassy or
Cutler was told that the those in the
travel business don’t want these aliens to have to get
visas, and that they have powerful influence over
“If I was in the travel industry, I’d
be the guy screaming the loudest for visas because if
there’s another attack and they use airplanes against us
again, you’ll be able to turn runways into athletic
fields because nobody is going to get on an airplane,”
Cutler said.
When Cutler was assigned to the
Unified Intelligence Division of the Drug Enforcement
Administration, the unit did a study that found that in
New York, 60% of those arrested by the DEA were
identified as foreign-born. Nationwide, 30% were
He said there was a clear nexus in
many cases between international terrorism and narcotics
“Terrorists can’t accomplish their
objectives without money,” Cutler said. “And they will
do all sorts of crimes within our country to generate
the money that they need to attack us, to attack Israel,
to attack western Europe and we continue to be
Cutler said people tell him we’re
winning the war on terror since nothing has happened
since September 11.
“There have been many terrorist
attacks committed on our soil,” Cutler said. “The
killing of Rabbi Meyer Kahane was a terrorist attack.
The van with the yeshiva kids that was shot up at the
Brooklyn Bridge was a terrorist attack. The guy they
caught on the northwest border who wants to blow up LAX
[Los Angeles International Airport] in his own
distinctive way of celebrating the millennium would have
been a terrorist attack. The prior Trade Center bombing,
bombings at embassies, the downing of Pan Am [Flight]
103, the Arabs in Brooklyn who wanted to blow up a
subway station — these are terrorist attacks.”
During the 1980s, Cutler worked with
the NYPD and FDNY on several arson fires were committed
in small grocery stores.
“These stores were bought by Arabs,”
Cutler said. “They were doing coupon scams where they
would grab the coupons in the Sunday paper and they
would send them to General Mills and Kraft and all these
companies and they got money back. And when they’d get
tired of doing it, the way they got out of the business
was they’d torch their stores in the middle of the
night, take the insurance money and send it to that
great man of peace, Yasser Arafat. And many of those
fires resulted in people being burned and killed. I
consider that a terrorist attack.”
Cutler said that it’s both Democrats
and Republicans who are responsible for lax rules on
alien entry.
“I really think that al-Qaeda, the
Colombian cartel and the Russian mob — they should give
our politicians the MVP award for being stupid,” Cutler
said. “They should indict them as co-conspirators in
terrorism committed against our country.”  The
Brooklyn chapter of the National Council of Jewish Women
hear from Michael Cutler, a retired Immigration agent
warning of another impending terror attack.