Email recieved from the Los Angeles City Attorney's office on November 13, 2003, in response to an inquiry by Hal Netkin
November 13, 2003

Dear Mr. Netkin,

I am responding to the last of your series of questions relating to Neighborhood Council stakeholder voting as follows:


1) Are there any restrictions which prevents a Neighborhood Council "stakeholder" from voting and/or running for board member other than not meeting the stakeholder definition that he/she Work, Live, or Own property in the neighborhood.

2) If yes to (1), what are the restrictions.

Answer:  In response to your Question No.1, the City Charter does not identify any restrictions that prevent a Neighborhood Council stakeholder, as defined in Article IX, from voting and/or running for a board seat in Neighborhood Council elections.

Gwen Poindexter
Office of the City Attorney
Managing Assistant
Neighborhood Council Advice Division
(213) 978-2236